As we age, gravity continues to work and our skin and muscles begin to lose their elasticity and strength. By removing excess fat, skin and muscle from the upper and lower eyelids, blepharoplasty can rejuvenate puffy, sagging or tired-looking eyes. Eyelids that droop or bulge can cause a person to appear much older or fatigued. This procedure can be performed on men and women alike and offers a younger, more refreshed look. Blepharoplasty is typically a cosmetic procedure but can also be done to improve peripheral vision by lifting droopy eyelids out of the patient’s field of vision. In fact, insurance often pays for a blepharoplasty if testing can prove visual significance.
Blepharoplasty cannot be used to raise the eyebrows or reduce the appearance of wrinkles, crow’s feet or dark circles under the eyes. It is important for patients to have realistic expectations before undergoing surgery in order to be satisfied with the results. While this procedure can enhance your appearance, it cannot alter your entire appearance or change the structure of your face.
The procedure is performed as an outpatient with local anesthesia and IV sedation. Patients may choose to have this procedure on their upper or lower eyelids or both. Incisions are made along the eyelids in inconspicuous places (in the creases of the upper lids and just below the lashes on the lower lids). Dr. Stancey removes excess tissue through these incisions and then stitches them closed with fine sutures. Swelling and bruising usually subside within two weeks and the patient may resume normal non-strenuous activity after two days.